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    Comments: I would like to thank Dr.Klimisch and his team for their patience and understanding. Me being 76 years of age talking about surgery made me very anxious, the procedure from beginning to end was explained to me by Dr.Klimisch what to do before procedure and after..I recieved so much encouragement and support from Dr. and staff. His team is AWESOME. I prayed a lot and I'm very blessed to have had such an amazing team .The nurses called once sometimes twice a week checking pain levels and see if I had any other issues. My surgery was July 19th "23 .The staff was so empathetic, compassionate. I was blessed not to have a high level of pain my range of motion was 123, staff was amazed so was the scariing was minimal Baily did a fantastic job. God blessed me with an amazing team I would highly recommend Dr.Klimisch for the best medical care his team is AWESOME.
    Thank you,